Exploring the Different Digital Marketing Trends in 2019

With the digital world constantly in flux, businesses must keep up with the current trends to get ahead of the curve. It’s not enough anymore to simply include the major digital channels in your marketing strategy. When planning your campaigns, you must also take the latest tools and techniques into consideration.

For a start, nearly $28 billion in revenue was generated by video marketing in 2018 alone. As one of the fastest growing marketing techniques, it is projected to dominate internet traffic by 2021. If your marketing efforts have ignored videos in the past, it’s high time to begin incorporating video marketing into your strategy.

Being in the dark when it comes to the latest digital marketing trends equates to missing out on opportunities that will propel your brand forward. These three trends will give you a good start and keep you on track.

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Optimizing for Voice Search

In the last decade, there have been several advances in artificial intelligence and virtual assistance. As a result, personal assistant devices have become a fixture in many people’s lives. In fact, nearly 3.5 billion Google searches every day come from voice searches. More and more people use voice command to discover and consume information.

Unlike text-based searches, voice searches are conversational in nature, use longer key phrases, and are often in the form of a question. It’s vital to ensure that your website is optimized for voice search by making your content as relevant as possible for specific queries on search engines.

Making Use of AI and Data Marketing

Knowing and understanding customer behavior is an essential part of marketing. But with dozens of digital channels and tons of data, it can be close to impossible for the marketing team to analyze everything and come up with beneficial findings.

Luckily, the rise of AI technology changed the game. With AI, useful data is extracted and analyzed in real-time. AI minimizes human biases and manual errors. It also comes up with valuable insights based on patterns made by website visitors that can better inform your marketing decisions. With this information, you’ll be able to better identify which type of content and specific keywords that bring the most traffic, for instance. Even better, AI can see beyond your own data and examine what works for your competitors and your industry.

Posting Live Videos on Social Media

Social media permeates the lives of billions of people worldwide. It’s here to stay for a long time, but the trends that drew people to it initially have evolved. Now it’s common to see more and more businesses going live on social platforms. When it comes to social media campaigns, integrating live videos to offer a more personal touch to connect your brand and customers is ideal.

Some ways you can do this include producing videos to showcase a behind-the-scenes peek at your company headquarters and events, Q&As, webinars, and many more. Customers feel closer to brands that let them share genuine and intimate moments in real-time.

There are many more digital trends that dominate the digital landscape today. Make sure to keep an eye on them and constantly find ways to incorporate them into your own marketing strategy.